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Odorous House Ants

Ants are a common household pest that can be difficult to control. One type of ant that can be particularly problematic is the odorous house ant. These ants are small and brown, and they emit a strong, unpleasant odor when they are crushed.

If you are dealing with an odorous house ant infestation, it's important to understand their habits and behavior in order to effectively control them. In this article, we will explore the key characteristics of odorous house ants, as well as the best methods for preventing and treating an infestation.



What are Odorous House Ants?

Odorous house ants are native to North America, and they can be found throughout the United States. They are small, measuring only about 1/8 inch in length, and they are light brown in color. They are often mistaken for pavement ants, which are a similar size and color.. One of the most distinguishing characteristics of odorous house ants is their odor. When they are crushed, they emit a strong, unpleasant smell that is often compared to the scent of rotten coconut. This odor can linger for quite some time, making it difficult to fully eliminate an infestation.


Odorous house ants live in large colonies, which can contain thousands of individual ants. They prefer to nest in dark, moist areas, such as under rocks, in soil, or in wall voids. They are also known to nest in areas with high levels of moisture, such as near leaky pipes or in damp basements.


How do I deter Odorous House Ants?

Getting rid of odorous house ants can be challenging because failure to find the colony will make sure they come back again and again. Here are a simple tips to help deter Odorous House Ants from your home. 


  • Clean your home thoroughly: Odorous house ants are attracted to food and moisture, so keeping your home clean and dry can help deter them. Clean up spills and crumbs immediately, and wipe down surfaces in your kitchen and dining area regularly. Store food in airtight containers and keep garbage cans tightly closed.

  • Locate and seal entry points: Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal any cracks, gaps, or holes in your walls, doors, and windows. Odorous house ants can enter your home through the tiniest openings, so be thorough in your search.

  • Use ant baits: Ant baits can be an effective way to eliminate odorous house ants. Place the bait stations near areas where ants are entering your home or where they have been spotted. The ants will be attracted to the bait, which contains a slow-acting poison that they will bring back to the colony. It may take a few days for the bait to work, but it can be an effective long-term solution.

  • Use natural deterrents: There are several natural deterrents that can be effective at keeping odorous house ants at bay. Sprinkle cinnamon, cayenne pepper, or black pepper near entry points and along ant trails. These spices are unpleasant to ants and can help to deter them. You can also spray vinegar or lemon juice along ant trails to disrupt their scent trails.

  • Hire a pest control professional: If you have tried these methods and still have an odorous house ant infestation, it may be time to call in a professional pest control company. They will be able to identify the source of the infestation and use targeted treatments to eliminate the ants from your home.



Behavior and Habits

Odorous house ants are omnivorous, which means that they will eat a wide variety of foods. They are particularly attracted to sweet and sugary substances, such as honey, sugar, and fruit juice. They will also feed on dead insects, other small animals, and plant material.

These ants are known for their ability to form large, interconnected colonies. They communicate with one another using pheromones, which allow them to coordinate their activities and work together towards a common goal. This can make them difficult to control, as eliminating one part of the colony may not be enough to fully eradicate the infestation.


How Do I Prevent Odorous House Ants

Keeping odorous house ants away from your home requires some knowledge and effort. These tiny pests are attracted to moisture, making it essential to eliminate any standing water. Cutting back tree branches and other plants that touch your house can also prevent ants from using them as a pathway to enter your home. Sealing any cracks or openings around your foundation, no matter how small, is essential. Even the tiniest gap can provide a way for ants to enter your home. It is advisable to hire a pest control expert to perform a thorough exclusion. Storing firewood and other building materials away from your house is also necessary, as odorous house ants like to build their nests in them. By following these steps, you can prevent odorous house ants from entering and nesting in your home, which will save you the headache of an infestation.


Odorous house ants can be a frustrating and difficult pest to deal with. However, by understanding their behavior and habits, and taking steps to prevent and treat infestations, you can effectively control these ants and keep them from taking over your home. If you're struggling with an infestation, consider consulting with a professional pest control company to help you develop a comprehensive treatment plan.


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