, pub-2353848265050596, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Raccoon Removal Services - Get Raccoons out of the Attic
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Safe and Humane Raccoon Removal

If you think you have a raccoon guest around your property, let the raccoon removal experts handle it for you!


Raccoons in the attic or chimney can be a nightmare for homeowners. If you suspect a raccoon infestation, it's crucial to act quickly and seek professional raccoon removal services. At Conscious Critters, we specialize in humane raccoon trapping and removal from attics, chimneys, and other residential areas in Williamstown, NJ. Our experienced technicians use safe and effective methods to safely remove raccoons and prevent future infestations. Don't let raccoons wreak havoc on your property – trust our team for reliable raccoon removal solutions.


Having a raccoon suddenly find its way into your harm can have dangerous repercussions. For starters, raccoons have been known to dig through your trash and leave a giant mess everywhere. They will also manage to potentially ruin your yard and can even transmit certain diseases that could be hazardous for your pets. They are also the number one animal for rabies. They may look cute, but they can be dangerous. When all is said and done, if you have a raccoon living within your home, you’ll want to have it taken care of as soon – and as safely – as possible. When you’re looking for the best possible end result, that’s when you’ll want to call us! Affordable Raccoon Removal for Williamstown residents and other South Jersey communities.

Effective Raccoon Removal: Safeguarding Your Property & Environment

Raccoons are fascinating creatures, known for their cleverness and dexterity. However, when they invade residential or commercial spaces, they can cause significant damage and pose health risks. Dealing with raccoon infestations requires a proactive and humane approach to ensure the safety of both humans and wildlife. In this article, we will explore effective methods for raccoon removal, emphasizing the importance of responsible and environmentally friendly practices.


Raccoons back paws can rotate 180 degrees, so they can easily use your downspout to make their way onto your roof. from there they poke and prod at your soffits or gabble vent until they make a big enough hole to sneak in. They might even be in your attic right now!

If you hear rustling at night or in the early morning, call us to make sure your home is critter-proof. We can help get raccoons out of your attic and keep them out!

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The Hazards of Raccoon Infestations:

While raccoons may seem harmless, their presence can lead to several problems for homeowners and businesses. Here are a few reasons why raccoon removal is necessary:

  • Property Damage: Raccoons are excellent climbers and can cause extensive damage to roofs, insulation, and wiring when accessing or creating entry points into buildings. Chewed wires pose a fire hazard, while compromised insulation reduces energy efficiency.


  • Disease Transmission: Raccoons are potential carriers of diseases such as rabies, raccoon roundworm, and leptospirosis. Their feces may contain harmful parasites and bacteria that can contaminate soil and water sources, posing health risks to humans and pets. While not all raccoons have rabies, raccoons in general are major hosts of rabies in the U.S. Just because a raccoon is active during the daytime, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s carrying rabies, but there are some indicators that a raccoon could be infected with the rabies virus. Key symptoms of a rabid raccoon include confusion and disorientation, leg paralysis or difficulty walking, wet and tangled hair, significant aggression, and production of very loud, unusual noises. Rabid raccoons may also foam at the mouth and have watery eyes.


  • Property Destruction: Raccoons are notorious for rummaging through trash cans, scattering debris, and causing messes. They can damage gardens, crops, and ornamental plants while searching for food. They are looking for resources- food, water, and/or shelter so if your property offers any of those things, they will continue to come around. Schedule a consultation today and an expert will be out to help make sure your home or business is critter-proof! 


Effective and Humane Raccoon Removal Methods:

When dealing with a raccoon infestation, it is essential to prioritize humane and environmentally responsible removal techniques. Here are some safe and effective methods to help you get rid of raccoons:


  • Professional Wildlife Control: If you hear scratching in the attic or soffits, the best thing to do is call a wildlife removal expert. Raccoons can be unpredictable and carry dangerous diseases, so hiring a licensed wildlife removal expert ensures that raccoon removal is handled safely and efficiently. Our critter-experts have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to locate entry points, safely trap and remove raccoons, and secure the area to prevent future intrusions.


  • Exclusion and Repairs: Identifying and sealing off potential entry points is crucial for preventing raccoons from re-entering your property. Once the entrance is identified the idea would be to make sure the raccoon is out of the home, and then seal it off, essentially evicting it. It sounds super simple in theory, but it can be a tricky operation that includes putting your face right next to that hole as you secure it. The repairs could involve repairing damaged vents, securing garbage cans, reinforcing weak points in structures, and installing mesh screens or chimney caps.


  • Habitat Modification: Making your property less attractive to raccoons can discourage their presence. Ensure garbage cans have tight-fitting lids, eliminate potential food sources (such as fallen fruits or unsecured pet food), and trim overhanging branches that provide easy access to roofs or attics. Deterrents can also be a useful strategy for getting rid of raccoons, again the idea is to make your property uncomfortable for them so that they will leave long enough to find a new home. We recommend Repels-all or Critter Ridder.


  • Repellents and Deterrents: There are a variety of commercially available raccoon repellents, both chemical and non-chemical, which can be used to deter raccoons from specific areas. These products typically emit odors or sounds that raccoons find unpleasant. It's important to follow the instructions carefully and use repellents responsibly, taking into consideration their potential impact on the environment. Again, we recommend Repels-all or Critter Ridder.


When faced with a raccoon infestation, it is crucial to address the problem promptly and responsibly. By employing humane raccoon removal methods and taking preventative measures to make your property less attractive, you can effectively protect your home or business from structural damage, health risks, and property destruction. If you suspect that raccoons have broken into your home, call Conscious Critter Removal, your critter gettin' experts! 



Raccoons in South Jersey: Coexisting with Urban Wildlife

Raccoons are a common sight in South Jersey, known for their distinctive black mask and ringed tail. However, these animals are often misunderstood and falsely portrayed as pests. In reality, raccoons play an important role in the ecosystem and have fascinating behaviors.


According to the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, raccoons are found throughout the state and are one of the most adaptable animals in New Jersey. They are omnivores and their diet consists of fruits, nuts, insects, and small animals such as birds and rodents.

As humans encroach on raccoon habitats, they're forced to find food in neighborhoods instead of nature. Raccoons have little hands and sharp claws and teeth so they can easily tear through a plastic trashcan and make a huge mess. They are just being raccoons though, they smelled food so they went for it, as humans we can help the situation by making sure we do what we can to get raccoons away. By securing trash cans and using humane deterrents, humans can coexist with raccoons without causing harm to either party.


Conscious Critter Removal excels and making your home critter-proof by taking away their food source, and sealing up any potential entries into your home. 

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FAQ Raccoon Questions

How much does professional raccoon removal cost?

The cost of professional raccoon removal can vary depending on factors such as the severity of the infestation, the location of the property, and the method of removal used. On average, it can range from $200 to $500 for removal and exclusion services.


Can I remove raccoons myself or do I need an exterminator?

While it's possible to remove raccoons yourself, it's often safer and more effective to hire a professional exterminator. They have the expertise and equipment to safely and humanely remove raccoons and prevent them from returning.


What are the signs of a raccoon infestation?

Signs of a raccoon infestation include loud noises coming from the attic or chimney, sightings of raccoons on the property, damage to property such as torn ductwork or insulation, and droppings around the home.


How can I prevent raccoons from getting into my attic or yard?

To prevent raccoons from accessing your attic or yard, seal off any entry points, secure garbage cans with tight-fitting lids, remove potential food sources such as pet food and bird feeders, and trim overhanging tree branches.


What do raccoons hate? Are there any natural repellents I can use?

Raccoons dislike strong smells such as ammonia, garlic, and pepper. You can use these as natural repellents by placing them around potential entry points or areas where raccoons are active. We recommend using Repels-all, it's an all natural repellent that basically overwhelms the animals sense of smell. 


Will the raccoons come back after removal? How can I ensure they stay away?

Raccoons may return if their access points are not properly sealed off. To ensure they stay away, it's essential to identify and seal off all entry points and implement preventative measures to make your property less attractive to them.


Are there any health risks associated with raccoons? Do they carry diseases?

Yes, raccoons can carry diseases such as rabies, leptospirosis, and raccoon roundworm. It's essential to avoid direct contact with raccoons and their droppings and to seek professional help if you suspect an infestation.


Is it legal to trap and remove raccoons myself? What are the regulations in my area?

The legality of trapping and removing raccoons varies depending on local regulations. It's important to check with your local wildlife agency or animal control department to determine the specific regulations in your area.


What is the most effective method for raccoon removal - trapping, baiting, fencing, etc.?

The most effective method for raccoon removal depends on the situation. In many cases, trapping and exclusion techniques are used together to safely and humanely remove raccoons from the property and prevent them from returning.


What should I do if there are baby raccoons involved? How do I handle that situation?

If there are baby raccoons involved, it's best to leave the situation to professionals. Attempting to handle baby raccoons yourself can be dangerous and may result in injury to both you and the animals.


Will homeowner's insurance cover any damage caused by raccoons?

Homeowner's insurance may cover damage caused by raccoons, depending on the policy and the extent of the damage. It's important to check your policy and contact your insurance provider for specific information.


What are some DIY raccoon deterrents I can try before calling an exterminator?

Some DIY raccoon deterrents include sealing off entry points, removing food sources, using motion-activated lights or sprinklers, and placing ammonia-soaked rags or pepper around the property. These methods may help deter raccoons, but for persistent infestations, it's best to consult with a professional exterminator.

Raccoon Removal Questions
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